Oforchukwu, Joachim Ifezuo

A Biblical and Theological Study (Analysis) of Marriage and Divorce Among Igbo Catholic Christians (Nigeria).
- Johannesburg, South Africa South African Theological Seminary 2010 - 155p PDF A4 Table of contents. Abstract. Appendix. Works cited.

The question of “marriage and divorce” is one of the toughest issues that faces the Igbo church in the 21st century. Unfortunately, not all Christian couples continue to the injunction, “What God has joined together, let no one put asunder” (Matthew 19:6; Mark 10:1-12; Luke 16:18; I Cor. 7:10-11). Some Christian couples believe that it is biblically permissible to marry and divorce when a couple becomes incompatible at any stage in their married life (Arnold 2001:183-190).Today, the rate of marriage and divorce among Igbo Christian couples is alarming. Divorce among this population has reached such a crescendo that the Igbo Church leadership must become actively involved in serious research and good policies that will reduce this alarming problem. It is time that the Igbo Church re-evaluates and re-assess its doctrine in order to salvage the marriages of countless Igbo Christians. The challenge for Igbo Church leaders is to make Christ available to all Igbo Christians in their marital life.This study employed in-depth interviews of a select group to answer its research questions. The researcher interviewed participants drawn from married couples, divorcees, and children from broken families in order to ascertain the possible causes of marriage and divorce in the Igbo Catholic Christian community. The research revealed that childlessness, adultery, quarrels, and inadequate financial support could disintegrate Christian couples.The work also revealed that there were fewer divorces in earlier societies than in modern society. Christ’s teaching on marriage and divorce is unquestionable, and therefore is used as a model. Christ disapproved of –some would even say forbid –divorce.The researcher challenged the Igbo Church leaders to do more than just administer the sacraments. The time has come for the Igbo Church leaders to re-evaluate its teaching techniques. The research findings demonstrated that love has the ability to strengthen and unite all Christian families. When love, peace, and joy prevail in Igbo Christian marriages, the number of divorces would be reduced.

Marriage--Marriage and Divorce--Nigeria