Haller, Josua

A Biblical Study of ἐλπίς in Romans with Particular Reference to the Contemporary Situation of Hope in Switzerland - Johannesburg South Africa South African Theological Seminary February 2019 - 183 pages PDF A4 Abstract, TOC

This master thesis in Biblical Studies exegetes first the occurrences of ἐλπὶςin Ro-mans with specific interest in Paul’s personal hope with the letter. The findings are then set into the New Testament context with a focus on the theological aspects of the term. In the application section, the current situation of hope in Switzerland, as an example of a western, postmodern society, is displayed by means of two recent polls. In conclusion, the polls’ results are interpreted in light of the biblical findings. Romans’ ἐλπὶςis characterised firstly by the future object of hope, consisting in the consummation of God’s glory in the revealed adoption and completed salvation of the Christians, in the redemption of their bodies as well as in the freedom for non-human creation. The "God of Hope" is the ultimate object of ἐλπὶς. It is secondly based on God’s characteristics and promises, above all exemplified in Abraham, and in Christ’s love and salvific work in reconciliation. Furthermore, the Spirit is depicted as the crucial assistant for prayer, love and power. However, the most important basis for Christian hope is Christ’s resurrection, with justification and victory over death form-ing the starting point for the interim period marked by the tension between the "al-ready" and the “not yet". ἐλπὶςis thirdly expressed ina positive expectation and de-sire, in general, and in enduring difficulties and suffering in particular. Above all, hope means to trust in the triune God. Prayer, joy, love and united praise in diversity are essential outcomes of such hope. Although the final consummation of Christian hope is not yet visible, ἐλπὶςcan boast about God as its provider and guarantee. While ex-pressed occasionally by individuals, ἐλπὶςis explicitly depicted as a pivotal element of Christian communities. Such communities in Switzerland are called to live and con-vey biblical hope by outlaying congruencies and incongruences in the hopes of society, by caring for environmental issues and by testifying the firm basis of Christian hope.