Hernández Jacomino, Heriberto

Renovación Carismática E Identidad Wesleyana De La Iglesia Metodista En Cuba (1990 –2010) - Johannesburg South Africa South African Theological Seminary January 2019 - 282 pages PDF A4 Abstract, TOC

Charismatic Renewal and Wesleyan Identity of the Methodist Church in Cuba (1990-2010)This work contains a study about the charismatic renewal of the Methodist Church in Cuba from 1990 to 2010. The main objective is to investigate the quantitative and qualitative growth that this church has experienced, taking into account the tension between the charismatic renewal and the inheritance of the Wesleyan identity in that period. A distinctive feature is that it can be catalogued as a charismatic movement that happens and is contained within the Methodist church, without the occurrence of fragmentations or schisms. Another important aspect in this study is to interpret how the charismatic renewal has been inserted within the Cuban Methodist context, taking into account its links with the influence of the Pentecostal doctrine. It also demonstrates how a strengthening of the Wesleyan identity can occur, preserving the positive elements that the Pentecostal phenomenon contributes in relation to the Methodist tradition. Finally, a call is made for the consolidation of the doctrine of sanctification, expressed in the love of God and neighbour, as one of the essential elements of the Wesleyan theology. In the IMECU, this is one of the pending tasks to continue uniting the church with the Wesleyan purpose of extending biblical holiness throughout the earth. It is recommended the emphasis on the practice of this doctrine in all educational levels of the church, as a preventive action before the entry and proliferation of doctrinal elements alien to the Wesleyan identity.